When Events Overlap!
You just make it work…
This weekend my husband and I were busy at the Northwest Aviation Conference. We sold lots of books, I gave two talks on Normalization of Deviance, and we enjoyed meeting many aviation enthusiasts! The little ones are my favorite! They truly are awesome!

While my husband appears to be sitting in a chair, he’s actually on a stool wearing the NadaChair. The owner of the company was at the aviation conference and gave him one to help his back. I tried it and it really works! Anyone who attends sporting events, sits for hours fishing, even flying long hours or selling books at a conference… this is cool. And spine support should not be overlooked. If you want to check it out, click NadaChair, or call: 1-800-722-2587.

And then….
Winner! Winner!!

The Proud Papa above won the 747 photo! His little angle, who arrived two month early so she could make the Aviation Conference, might just find herself flying a plane one day!
Days Prior to the
Western Washington Aviation Conference…
Literary Aviatrix
Aviatrix Book Review Website and Podcast,
Aviatrix Book Club

I had flown down to Long Beach for a book signing and reading at the Women in Aviation Conference with the Literary Aviatrix Book Club. That trip was a quick, but just long enough to learn what a truly gifted, energetic, and talented woman Liz Booker is.
But to make matters better, she brought together an incredible group of aviation authors who are authentic, down to earth, passionate. I am so proud to have been invited to be part of their group. And I am really looking forward to reading each of their books.
This last minute trip came about, because Liz was interviewing me on my first novel, Flight For Control. One thing lead to another and I added a last minute trip to my schedule. Spoiler alert… this talk with Liz was my first interview after being retired, therefore I was able to speak freely. You’ll find a funny little story that was in my Flight to Success book that I was not able to speak about before.
If you want to listen to our interview
You can Find it here:
Aviatrix Author Interviews

Merryl Tengesdal: Shatter the Sky
John and Martha King: LIFT
Mary Shipko: Aviatrix; Daring Mary
Cecilia Aragon: Flying Free
R. D. Kardon: Flygirl; Angel Flight; Flying Home
Laura Savino: Jet Boss
Erin Miller: Final Flight, Final Flight; What Grandma Did
Charles Morgan Evans: Helicopter Heroine
Lynn Rippelmeyer: Life Takes Wings
Victoria Yeager: 101 Chuck Yeager-isms
Julie Tizard: The Road to Wings; Flight to the Horizon; Free Fall at Angel Creek
Julie Clark: Nothing Stood in Her Way
Tammie Jo Shults: Nerves of Steel
Karlene Petitt: Flight For Discovery
I handed out hundreds of cards
to change the AIR21 Law!
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene