Adversity or Destiny?

Tammie Jo Shults’ Nerves of Steel
Was an Absolutely Incredible Read!
For so Many Reasons…

Tammie Jo’s story shows us the power of perseverance. Her perspective later in life reminds us that not getting what we want, when we want it, may not be such a bad thing. A lesson to be learned for anyone living in an, “I want it now, or I’m giving up” world. There is a divine time for everything.
Her early childhood, filled with hard work, climbing fences, and swimming, then later in her college years as an athlete gave her the physical ability and skills to pass what many men could not. Sometimes what we perceive as overwhelming challenges are nothing more than preparation for something bigger in life.
She lived a life of commitment and dedication proving that studying, learning, and understanding each aircraft that she flew brought the best of results. Her unending faith, despite all, protected her along this journey and enabled her to face the greatest challenges known to man or woman. Did she cry? Were there moments of depression? Even those pilots with super powers are human.

What’s written between the lines and throughout these pages, however, is that all those assholes (apologies for my word choice) who did everything they could to deny her, destroy her, derail her, attempt to make her a statistic, and lied about her history, could have possibly contributed to saving the lives of 149 people instead of destroying this woman. Her life journey, with all the delays and obstacles that forced her to be the best she could be, to prove herself capable… gave her what she needed. Nerves of Steel.
To all those who attempt to destroy a determined woman, all you are is a 200 lb weight providing endurance training.
Tammie Jo’s recap of the events of Flight 1380 bring the reader into the flight deck as well as the passenger cabin with such clarity and vivid realism. As I read, I thought… Thank God Tammie Jo was the captain of that flight, or they may not have made it. I challenge anyone to read this book and tell me you would come to a different conclusion. I don’t think so.

I have an email from a management pilot at another airline who declared an emergency because he didn’t have an autopilot and lost his flying skills. God forbid this event happened on his 737. The divine course of life… the challenges, the timing, the delays by some, the wisdom of others, and those who stepped forward to right a wrong, all brought Tammie Jo to this point, in this plane, at this event. Where she showed the world that she was made of the right stuff. At one point SWA had fired Tammie Jo due to the false statements of a new hire. I’m most certain bringing her back was the best thing they ever did!
I remember hearing this event play out on the news, speculation about the “female” pilot talking on the radio… “She’s the captain, why is she talking on the radio?… she must be letting the first officer fly!” Well, the reality is, she flew, she talked, and she managed the plane, and without any automation in the most extraordinary of circumstances. She also kept a cool head, understood her aircraft, the limitations, the potential for exacerbating the problem if she followed the checklist. Her decision-making exceptional.
Prior to the flight Tammie Joe had also created a team with her fellow cremembers. The credit she bestowed upon her crew for this success was well deserved. At the end of this flight, everyone remained seated, calm, no panic, and she walked through the cabin, as she always did, and talked to them to see how they were doing. Compassion and caring rang true in her life, no matter what was thrown at her. Not often you lose a passenger, and I am certain everyone on that flight will be impacted for life in one way or another by that loss. Prayers to that passengers family.
The prayer that Tammie Joe remembered saying at the end of this ordeal that ended up on the voice recorder was, “Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Thank You Lord.” I want to say “Thank You Lord” for giving the world this remarkable woman! Tammie Jo, thank you for sharing the amazing story of your life. Lessons for so many. I loved it!!!
If you have not read her book yet you can find it:
on Amazon: Nerves of Steel
Visit her on her website:
Captain Shults
Follow her on Twitter @Captainshults
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene